Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fall in Review

Claire is pacifier free and is thrilled ;). She is also about 50% potty trained - mommy is thrilled to be on the verge of only having to purchase diapers for half of her children.

Caden went fishing with Nana and caught his first fish. He brought it home, watched daddy gut it, had daddy cook it, and then ATE the whole thing.
Halloween: Caden was a white GI Joe ninja, Claire was a ladybug and the twins were skeletons.
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Happy Birthday Caden!

I can't believe it's been 5 years since Caden was born (I also can't believe I have 3 other children younger than him, but that's for another time...). What to say about Caden? He's a bundle of energy and has a vivid imagination. He loves to play with his "men" (action figures). He can't wait to start kindergarten next year and ride the bus with all his buddies. This past year he played on two different baseball teams. It was fun, but we are turning our sights towards football next fall. Major milestones: he's learned how to swim and ride a bike without training wheels. I love my boy!
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