Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Calamity Claire Strikes Again

Along with our lovely trip to the ER on Saturday that started this whole 3 days and counting stay at the Hospital, Claire and Caden were with their grandmother while we came to the ER.

Claire loves to play in cars, she's the next Danika Patrick, except this time she locked herself in the car. She thought she was pretty smart and funny too at first, until she realized that she couldn't get herself out and unfortunately Grandmother did not have a spare key.

The locksmith is called and saves the day, Calamity Claire was free again. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let her out.

Drew Update and Caden's Visit

As of 10:45 tonight, Drew is doing much better but still is having some problems settling down after eating and suctioning. His fever spiked a couple of times today but all the tests are coming back negative that there is any other bacterial issue going on.

I brought Caden and Claire down this afternoon to spend some time with mom and when we were leaving, Caden asked me:

"Has Drew lost his Spirit" to which I replied no, and Caden said "I thought maybe his Spirit had gone back to Heaven", which I assured him that it had not and that Drew was fine. He then said "Well, that's right because when the Spirit is gone your are flat" which after seeing Drew, Drew was definitely not flat.

Drew Update

As of 1:00pm, Drew is continuing to improve but we have noticed a pattern that his breathing is much worse during and after feeding so we have decided to pump and bottle feed.

They have taken him off of the IV and have begun weaning him off of oxygen and if all goes well and he doesn't need anymore assistance then we may be able to go home tomorrow.

We really appreciate all the phone calls and emails, and a special thanks to those who have been helping with Caden and Claire.

We'll keep you posted if anything changes.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What A Weekend - Drew's Trip to the ER

So, let's get caught up

Saturday morning, Amanda took Drew to the Pediatrician since we didn't think he had gotten over his ear infection. The Nurse Practitioner said that his ear was fine but was concerned about his congestion and breathing and the next thing we know we are headed to VU Children's ER.

Oh, by the way - Drew and Dane were both diagnosed with RSV at 5 weeks and had no issues until now.

We spent several hours at the ER on Saturday and after deep suctioning and a breathing treatment, we decided to take Drew home and hope for the best.

Well, the best didn't come. Sunday morning Drew was having problems breathing and the congestion was pretty bad so we decided to bring him back to the ER and as of the writing of this post, Monday 2/22 at 11:11pm we are still here.

We had hoped that he would be released today but he did not seem to progress the way the doctor's would have liked. This afternoon he began to have a fever so there is some concern about some other virus along with RSV.

Tonight, he has now had deep suctioning, hypersaline breathing treatments, Albuterol treatments (thanks to me, he probably has Asthma) and they are now getting ready to put in an IV (2/23 at 11/16pm) since the breast feeding could be causing some problems with congestion.

We have been so fortunate with our children and many of you have had to experience a child in the hospital. It's hard to explain, even when you know that it is not a serious condition, how hard it is to watch your child be poked and prodded and be completely miserable. It's been very hard for me to watch and brings back many memories of my childhood and growing up with severe Asthma.

We will keep you posted as to Drew's progress.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

To Do List

I'm going to try out a new strategy. I'm hoping that if every week I post a few things that I need to get done around the house the 3.5 people who read this blog will hold me accounable for accomplishing them (or at least will cheer me on!).
I'm also going to post the week's menu to hopefully ensure that the last minute take out is kept to a minimum...and for Mia ;). It's really all about having a plan, right?

1) clean all bathrooms (the toilet should not be that color)
2) get clothes ready for consignment sale/register for sale (too much stuff)
3) thank you notes (good grief, the twins'll be 2 at this rate)
4) mail baby announcements (good grief, see #3)
Certainly I can get all that done in 7 days.


I don't like to attach myself at a certain meal on a certain day - you never know what might come up. So all I'll do is list 7 meals - at least one will be take out.

1) Left over gumbo
2) Chicken pot pie
3) Pizza (Bill will be out of town one night this week so it's a treat for me!)
4) Steak (promised Nick)
5) Dirty rice (from a box)
6) Raviolis (sp?, from the freezer, in a bag)
7) White chicken chili (crock pot)
We'll see how this goes - if I don't have a to do list next Sunday you know it didn't work!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On This Date...

Let it be known that on this date, February 3, 2010, Miss Calamity Claire climbed out of her crib for the first time and several times immediately thereafter.

Let us pray.

8 Weeks Old

The 8 week old twins with big sis and big bro. Claire likes to hold the babies on mom's nursing pillow and of course then Caden must do it too.