I'm going to try out a new strategy. I'm hoping that if every week I post a few things that I need to get done around the house the 3.5 people who read this blog will hold me accounable for accomplishing them (or at least will cheer me on!).
I'm also going to post the week's menu to hopefully ensure that the last minute take out is kept to a minimum...and for Mia ;). It's really all about having a plan, right?
1) clean all bathrooms (the toilet should not be that color)
2) get clothes ready for consignment sale/register for sale (too much stuff)
3) thank you notes (good grief, the twins'll be 2 at this rate)
4) mail baby announcements (good grief, see #3)
Certainly I can get all that done in 7 days.
I don't like to attach myself at a certain meal on a certain day - you never know what might come up. So all I'll do is list 7 meals - at least one will be take out.
1) Left over gumbo
2) Chicken pot pie
3) Pizza (Bill will be out of town one night this week so it's a treat for me!)
4) Steak (promised Nick)
5) Dirty rice (from a box)
6) Raviolis (sp?, from the freezer, in a bag)
7) White chicken chili (crock pot)
We'll see how this goes - if I don't have a to do list next Sunday you know it didn't work!
We are having fajitas tonight, but I have to go to the grocery store or we will be eating food storage the rest of the week ;) I am all over the ravioli and the dirty rice. I might even do homemade pizza one night to, but then it would be so much easier to buy Papa Murphy's (but that defeats the point doesn't it).
Looks like you are doing pretty well with your lists! I'm with you on the meals. I just have to list 6 or 7 we can eat and make sure we have the stuff for them. Then see what we are in the mood for day to day!
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