Sunday, August 15, 2010

Williamson County Fair 2010

Even though this summer has been hot, hot, hot we still took our annual trip to the county fair. It was a blast as usual - my favorite exhibit is Little One's Farming. The kids get to walk through planting their crops, gathering their crops, tending the animals, selling their crops and then receiving a "dollar" to spend in the store on something produced at the farm or using farm products. Claire rode some rides, Caden went on the Ferris Wheel with Nick, and Caden is the proud owner of a monkey prize. Daddy was kind enough to help Caden be ripped off, I mean win, a prize. It was a game where Caden threw darts at balloons. Mommy was annoyed at the wasteful spending but got over it - eventually. Thanks to Aunt Lauren for being our photographer.
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Mia said...

It seems like Claire's hair has just grown overnight. I love the ponytails :) Let's hope it is at least 15 degrees cooler next year ;) I love how cute Caden is with his monkey.

palmtreelover said...

You are such a good mom. I tend to stay far away from the fair, just because I am a big baby. Love the pictures!